Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We're all getting older

The President of the United States is younger than the following people.

Carl Lewis
Boy George
Michael J. Fox
Dennis Rodman
Eddie Murphy
Henry Rollins
Vince Neil
Wayne Gretzky
Joan Jett
Sean Penn
Chuck D
Kyle Gass
Prince Andrew
Greg Louganis
Nigella Lawson
Val Kilmer
Judd Nelson
Bryan Adams
Weird Al Yankovic


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a cold splash of water in the face.

I take some solace in the fact that I'm still younger than the president. But the gap is narrowing.

Skullturf Q. Beavispants said...

I too am younger than the president, but the president is now closer to my age than to my parents' age, which has never been the case before.

N! said...

On the other side, here's an interesting limited run t-shirt picturing things that are younger the John McCain:


Nate Fakes said...

Thank God I'm not on that list!

HECK said...

All those, and me too.

He's the first of his kind (a president younger than I), but he surely won't be the last (if I can live that long)!

Bill the Butcher said...

Didn't you use to post on the Comics Curmudgeon in the early days?